Driven. Intentional.

That’s how we like our people…
and that’s how we do it with our designs.

about odd creatives

When it comes to your business, you don’t like anything half-baked. You go all out because you’re hardwired to achieve your goals. You’re all for empowerment– not just for your own growth– but to impact others as well.

You have gotten to where you are today because you consistently chose to show up and do the work. Because to you, everyday is an opportunity to dream bigger, and achieve more.

And I see you– because that's how I'm built, too.

And I want your business to be a game-changer, too.

Just like you, I value hardwork more than anything. And it's how I built Odd Creatives during the height of the pandemic... when everything was changing drastically.

It was my way out of the corporate world, and I took it as a sign to build a business on my own terms— something that I'm truly passionate about. Something that could help me reach my full potential. And something so fulfilling and makes me able to impact others positively.

What started in 2020 as a side hustle turned out to be the biggest plot twist of my life.

Hey, I'm Da,

lead designer

Okay, now for the fun part!

Myers-Briggs Type: INTJ, Architect
Enneagram: Type 1, Reformer
Human Design: Generator

Why I obsess over project details? Strive for perfection? Aim for the best? (And most certainly the your best sidekick for your biz??). Go figure.


Deep dive into my psyche!

I've probably binged the entire series 4x... minimum. I guess my ADHD brain enjoys the peace in rewatching show that's never gonna pull surprises anymore.

But I do love watching romcoms, sci-fi, thrillers, and mystery series & movies from time to time.

favorite show

Modern Family!

go-to drink

And that's for when I have my biz hat on! I'd hate to be the basic b*tch, but this girl needs her coffee to function.

You could never go wrong with Iced Americano to get my heart pumpin'!! (No pun intended as I actually do palpitate from caffeine.)

Iced Pour Over

status: married to the loml

Josh and I have been together for 7+ years, before we got married in 2021.

He works with me behind the scenes at Odd Creatives and has been the best hooman to our 5 dogs!

My husband & best friend rolled into one

proud dog momma

4 Dutch Shepherds and 1 American Pitbull keep our house messy– but I wouldn't have it any other way!

Giving them the backyard they deserve is the # 1 reason we're working our asses off.

Kitkat, Simba, Mamba, Dallas & Boston

Random Facts About Me

diploma in


certificate in

Digital Marketing

certificate in

Responsive Web Design

On a more serious note.

Our services are based on continuous learning + years of experience. So, no, we're not just throwing big, baseless promises around here.


Kajabi Expert

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